Mathilde Lindhart

Coastal oceanographer

I am a research fellow in the Coastal Processes Research Group at University of Plymouth, where I study hydro- and morphodynamics of wave overwash on atoll islands as part of the ARISE project. Previously, I was a postdoc at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD.

I received my PhD in Environmental Fluid Mechanics from Stanford University in August 2022. Advised by professors Stephen Monismith and Rob Dunbar, I used a combination of observations and numerical models to understand what drives flows on coral reefs.

During my time at Stanford, I was a proud organizer of Stanford Women in Fluid Mechanics (SWiFD), striving to connect researchers working on fluid mechanics across disciplines and career paths to support the next generation of women in science and foster a sense of community. 

If you have questions about our research or work, please don't hesitate to reach out!