

Lindhart, M., Daly, M.A., Walker, H., Arzeno-Soltero, I.B., Yin, J.Z., Bell, T.W., Monismith, S.G., Pawlak, G. and Leichter, J.J. (2024), Short wave attenuation by a kelp forest canopy. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett.

Sanders, R. D., Obaza, A. K., Grime, B. C., Lindhart, M., Miller, L. P., Elsmore, K. E., Carmack, O. C., Ford, T. K., and Leichter, J. J. (2024) Wave, light, and dissolved oxygen exposures drive novel coastal eelgrass (Zostera pacifica) transplant performance. Front. Mar. Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1355449

Madden, I. Mariwala, A., Lindhart, M., Narayan, S., Arkema, K., Beck, M., Baker, J., & Suckale, J. (2023) Quantifying the fragility of the coral reefs to hurricane impacts: A case study of the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico. Environ. Res. Lett.

Steyaert, M., Lindhart, M., Khrizman, A., Dunbar, R. B., Bonsall, M. B., Mucciarone, D. A., Ransome, E., Santodomingo, N., Winslade, P., & Head, C. E. I. (2022) Remote reef cryptobenthic diversity: Integrating autonomous reef monitoring structures and in situ environmental parameters. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:932375. 

Lindhart, M. (2022). Loss of reef roughness increases residence time on an idealized coral reef. Sci Rep 12, 19410.

Lindhart, M., Monismith, S. G., Khrizman, A., Mucciarone, D., & Dunbar, R. (2021). How consistent are estimates of roughness parameters on a rough coral reef?  Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017825. (press, see video below)

Lindhart, M., Rogers, J. S., Maticka, S. A., Woodson, C. B., & Monismith, S. G. (2021). Wave modulation of flows on open and closed reefs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016645.

Hays, G.C. et al. (2020). A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world's largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges. Marine Biology 167, 159.


Rintoul, M., Courtney, T., Dohner, J., Giddings, S., Kekuewa, S., Lindhart, M., Mitarai, S., Monismith, S., Pezner, A., Andersson, A. "Physical controls of coral reef biogeochemical variability" (poster), Gordon Research Conference, Coastal Ocean Dynamics, 18-23 June 2023, Bryant University, Rhode Island.

Lindhart, M., Daly, M. A., Walker, H., Arzeno-Soltero, I. B., Bell, T. W., Leichter, J. J., Monismith, S. G., Pawlak, G. "Short wave attenuation in a Macrocystis pyrifera kelp forest" (poster), Gordon Research Conference, Coastal Ocean Dynamics, 18-23 June 2023, Bryant University, Rhode Island.

Lindhart, M., "Coral reef roughness and the reproducibility of observations" (presentation), Applied Ocean Science Seminar, 7 March 2023, SIO, UCSD, California. 

Lindhart, M., Thesis defense: "Waves and flows on coral reefs: dynamical regimes and the role of roughness", 2 August 2022, Stanford. California.

Lindhart, M., ”Coral Reef Hydrodynamics”, CEE Summer Student Speaker Series, 7 July 2022, Stanford, California.

Lindhart, M., Monismith, S. G., Khrizman, A., Mucciarone, D., & Dunbar, R., "Results from an Indian Ocean atoll: how representative are our measurements?" (presentation) Stanford Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Seminar, 28 January 2021, Stanford, California.

Lindhart, M., Rogers, J. S., Maticka, S. A., Woodson, C. B., & Monismith, S. G., "Nonlinear Tide and Wave Setup Interactions on Reefs with Observations from Ofu, American Samoa", (poster) Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, CA.

Hale*, B., Monismith, S. G., & Lindhart, M., "Flow Over Acropora on a Barrier Reef in Koror, Palau", (poster) Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, CA.

Lindhart, M., Dunbar, R., Mucciarone, D., & Monismith, S. G. "Spatial variability of coastal physical processes in the Chagos archipelago" (presentation), Bertarelli Marine Science Program Meeting. 18 - 20 September 2019, London, UK.

Lindhart, M., Mosselman**, E. & Avila, H., "Stratified secondary circulation in the Rio Magdalena, Colombia", (presentation), Extended abstracts of 9th Symp. on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics RCEM 2015, 30 August - 3 September 2015, Iquitos, Peru.

* Mentored student 

** Presenting author.